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- Impact on wellbeing of exposure to traumatic material in “back office” police and law enforcement staff
- Self-beliefs: Mathematical models of self believe and link with mental health
- A neurocomputational framework for mental health maintenance
- Harnessing the Potential of RNA: Pioneering a Sustainable Path to Climate-Resilient Crops
- Creating Sustainable, Powerful Magnets to Generate Renewable Energy Using 3D printing Technology
- Towards a Fair Renewable Energy Transition for Indigenous People in Chile
- How Agrivoltaics Can Meet the Net-Zero Policy
- New Lease of Life for Critical Elements Recycled from Domestic and Commercial Electronic Waste
- Exploring Geothermal Energy in Young European Volcanic Areas
- How Do Onshore Wind Farms Impact Ecosystems?
- China’s Infrastructure Investment in Africa post Covid-19
- Navigating Volcanic Risk: Understanding Transitions and Vulnerability
- Neuropsychiatric Diseases and Basal Ganglia: Underlying Mechanisms
- Understanding Wildfire Risk: A Local-Scale Assessment Framework in Chile
- Space Weather: Probability and Severity of Impacts on Ground
- Understanding Menopause's Effect on Women's Cardiovascular Risk
- Green-Hydrogen from Agroindustry Waste
- Elucidating the Role of Extratropical Cyclones in High-Impact Weather in Europe
- AXA Chair on Water Quality and Global Change
- Indicators for Climate Resilient City Planning
- Future-Ready Care Homes: Reducing Indoor Heat Stress While Achieving Net Zero
- Insight in Dust Fine-Mode to Mitigate Health Hazards in a Changing Climate
- Tick and Mosquito-Borne Disease Risk in a Changing Climate
- Reducing the Impact of Climate-Induced Contamination of Water & Food on Human Health
- Air Pollution Health Impacts in a Warming World
- Climate Cares: Building Youth Resilience by Understanding and Intervening on the Mental Health Impacts of Climate Awareness
- How Will Climate Change Affect Bird-Spread Diseases
- Climate-Smart Strategies to Develop Resilience in Artisanal Fisheries of Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas
- Strengthening Coastal Communities’ Resilience Through Better Forecasting and Projecting Compound Flood Risk
- Mitigating Tsunamis’ Threats and Destructive Impacts Through Enhanced Navigation Satellite System
- Integrating Aquaculture and Capture Fisheries to Combat Hunger in Sierra Leone and Other Parts of Africa
- Transboundary Governance for Climate Change Adaptation in Marine Socio-Ecological Systems
- Women’s Livelihoods in Vulnerable Coastlines
- Mangrove Community Forestry for Resilient Coastal Livelihoods
- Plastic Waste Upcycling by Carbon Dioxide Valorization
- Towards a Sustainable Return to Work after Burnout or Depression
- Centering Equity and Environmental Justice in the Context of Climate Adaptation
- Understanding the Financial Lives of Low Income Households in China
- Responding to Climate Change while Advancing Social Justice and Reducing Inequality in Urban Areas
- Reducing Climate Variability Uncertainties to Improve Climate Adaptation Strategies
- Investigating Past Abrupt Climate Changes to Understand Causes and Assess Future Predictability
- AXA Chair in Wildfires and Climate
- Examining the Relationship Between Syndemics and Societal Change in South Africa
- AXA Chair for a Successful Energy Transition
- Assessing the Impacts of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) On Human Health Using Cutting-Edge Methods
- Using New Data Sources to Better Manage Substances of Concern (Soc)
- Understanding Human Exposure to Contaminants of Emerging Concern Through New Biomarkers
- Overcoming the Ecotoxicological Impact of Perovskite Photovoltaic Technologies
- Assessing the Respiratory Health of Manual Sorters in Plastic Material Recycling Facilities
- Harmless and Eco-Friendly Solution as an Alternative to Replace Synthetic Agrochemicals
- Better Identifying and Mitigating Microplastics’ Threats to Preserve Ecosystems and Protect Human Health
- Investigating the Impact of Glyphosate on Health: The Role of Gut Microbiota
- The Unnatural ‘Natural’: Assessing the Transport and Chemical Pollution Risk of Natural Textile Fibres
- Better Targeted COVID-19 Disease Management Through Wastewaters Monitoring
- Early Prognosis of COVID-19 Infections Via Machine Learning
- The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health of Mothers and Newborns
- Coping With the Pandemics: What Works Best to Reduce Anxiety & Depression
- Improving the Mental Health of Young Children After COVID-19
- Using New Technologies to Fill the Supply Chain Insurance-Reinsurance Gap Post Covid
- The Impact of Lockdown on Health & WellBeing of Elderly & Fragile Populations
- Adapting Pandemic Management to Vulnerable Populations
- An Extreme Value Model For the Analysis of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Impact, and the Mitigation of Future Related Crises
- Delivering Social Protection to Informal Workers: Lessons Learned From COVID-19 Relief Measures in India
- Building Resilience to Coastal Hazards with Natural Defenses
- The Role of Predestined Social Backgrounds in Measuring Well-being in India
- Modeling the multi-hazard vulnerability of structures to tropical cyclones
- Regenerating places through inclusive and sustainable economies
- The Digitalisation of Money and Its Impact on Social Cohesion, Inclusion, and Public Trust in Institutions
- Towards More Secure and Sustainable Livelihoods in the Urban Informal Economy
- Public Policies for Tackling Educational and Intergenerational Inequality
- AXA Research Lab on Gender Equality : Promoting a More Gender-Equal Society
- Climate Change, Trade and Inequalities in the Economic Growth Between Regions
- Microplastics: their role in the spread of antibiotic resistance
- Coastal vulnerability: can ‘urban’ coral reefs keep up with sea level rise?
- Invasive seaweeds: can commercial harvesting be a win-win solution?
- A coral reef refugium in the Red Sea
- Climate change: can plankton save the day?
- Coastal community conservation: a win-win solution against climate change
- Mangroves and Sea Level Rise: what future for highly stressed socioecological systems?
- Climate change mitigation: scaling up mangrove protection in the Philippines
- Explainable AI for healthcare: enabling a revolution
- Fighting malaria and preserving biodiversity in Africa: a non-zero-sum game
- Cyber-security: meeting the challenges of the upcoming era of 5G and IoT
- Gut microbiome: Deciphering the metabolic interplay with psychoactive compounds
- Supporting young people's mental health during the transition to work
- New Probabilistic Assessment of Seismic Hazard, Losses and Risks in Strong Seismic Prone Regions
- AXA Chair on Molecular Information and Communication Technologies
- Use and Value of Unusual Data in Actuarial Science
- Yes I Can: A Trial of Immersive Virtual Reality to Treat Social Avoidance
- Invasive species: raising awareness with scenarios for the future
- Resilience to depression: the role of mitochondrial dynamics regulatory proteins
- Cyber insurance risks: evaluating the cyber costs of cyber risks
- Towards zero-energy cities : a numerical tool to optimize retrofitting of existing urban blocks
- Waste-to-energy, a true assessment of the potential of bioenergy in Nigeria
- Renewable energy: Investigating the role of social reward and contagion
- Making green products mainstream : how to trigger radical industrial innovation ?
- Developing clean energy in Sub-Saharan Africa: the importance of remote communities buy-in
- Mortality: towards reliable estimates in developing countries
- Volcanic Risk Assessment in Asia
- Environmental finance: towards a better understanding of climate-related financial risks
- Fairness in AI: ending bias and discrimination
- Fulfilling the potential of AI: towards explainable deep learning
- Impact investing in emerging markets: shedding light on the benefits of patient capital
- Earthquake and Typhoon Vulnerability Analyses of Buildings in Asia-Pacific
- Optimizing Pricing in the Insurance Industry : Towards transparent Machine Learning
- A portable device against cervical cancer
- Setting girls on a healthy diet trajectory from an early age
- A promising new strategy to treat osteoporosis
- Towards timely and quality access to emergency obstetric care in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Towards healthier culinary practices among overweight and obese Ghanaian women
- Improving maternal health by reducing pregnancy-related low back pain
- Reducing maternal mortality by diagnosing undetected bleeding disorders
- Domestic violence against women: giving friends and relatives the keys to help
- Breaking down the barriers to women’s leadership and entrepreneurship
- The Impact of Global Change on Mountains: Assessing the Threat to Nature’s Water Towers
- Combating Natural Disasters with Remote Sensing Data & Artificial Intelligence
- Predicting the most unpredictable volcanic hazards
- Listening to buildings: towards reliable early warning for structural failure and collapse
- A DNA vaccine for shellfish allergy
- Unlocking the mystery of how the brain sees : paving the way for visual impairment cures
- Abolishing frontiers between fundamental science and medicine : building on the potential of biomedical ultrasound
- Alzheimer’s disease : pushing the frontier of in vivo neuroimagining
- Towards reducing air pollution toxicity
- Liquid biopsies : a promising alternative for cancer detection
- Towards simpler numerical methods for the management of assets and liabilities
- Financially empowering women farmers in Southern Nigeria
- Encouraging financial inclusion in Nigeria
- Longevity : do you have the genes for it?
- Towards better seismic hazard resilience in Southwest China
- Male family careers: adapting to a new phenomenon
- Exploring the true added value of artificial intelligence in the legal system
- Towards better informed decisions on flood defence programs
- Managing Africa’s carbon budget : assessing the impact of climate change and deforestation
- Fairness in Machine Learning: Algorithmic Discrimination and Exploitation as a Challenge for EU Law
- Fast and accurate simulation of randomness
- Transitory shocks, persistent effects: towards better suited recovery policies after a financial crisis
- Landslides : towards more efficient mitigation measures
- Post-ERuption Incision of Landscapes (PERIL)
- Does hierarchy influence our behaviour in risky situations?
- Are cities properly preparing for climate change?
- AI : how human should humanoid robots look?
- Paving the way for the development of responsible AI
- When deep learning meets image registration
- Regulating entrepreneurship in the Digital Economy: A French-US comparative approach
- Non-communicable diseases : making rehabilitation possible in low-resource settings
- Gauging the impact of reform on the French system of taxes and public benefits
- Getting ready for the FinTech revolution in Europe
- How will climate change impact pollination ?
- Small-scale weather events have a substantial cost too
- Earthquake resilience : towards safer buildings
- When misperception of wealth lead to financial crises
- Keeping our brain safe from neurodegeneration through better understanding of brain ageing mechanism
- Making cyber fraud detection methods quicker and more reliable
- Investigating public health policies to improve end-of-life care for elderly people
- Investigating the stability of ice shelves to assess Antarctica's future Sea Level Rise contribution
- Fighting pancreatic cancer by developing a new approach for early diagnosis
- Innovative Mechanisms for Sustainable Long-Term Care Systems in Europe - EuroLTCS Project
- Preventing avalanches and snow-melt related floods by improving forecasting systems
- Increasing the reliability of seismic loss estimates to help decision-making
- Understanding the impact of risks on the Merger and Acquisition market
- Understanding the impacts of environmental, social and political shocks on the use of health services in low and middle income countries
- Achieving interpretability for big data and machine-learning systems
- How Cities Can Better Adapt to Droughts in the Context of Climate Change
- Finding the best way to organize chronic care management to improve health while containing costs
- Preventing and treating addiction by elucidating how the brain deals with uncertainty
- Helping China's crop production sustainably face the challenges of tomorrow
- Finding a cure to the irreversible damages caused by spinal cord injuries
- Training novice drivers to know how and where to look to reduce driving risks
- Alzheimer's Disease: finding early indications of the disease for better therapeutic interventions
- Risks and contradictions of urban sustainability in Africa
- Predicting tuberculosis in populations at risk
- Exploring Epigenetics : an extraordinarily promising field of medicine
- Insuring infrastructure safety using satellite monitoring technology
- Assessing the impact of granting rights to minorities on peace stability in post-conflict environments
- Ensuring data security and privacy protection in the cloud computing environment
- Climate change : how guilty are aerosol particles ?
- Fighting bacterial infection by targeting the ability of pathogens to hijack the body's defense system
- A new understanding of urban sustainability pathways in Africa
- The price of bread as a measure of urban stability
- Finding a cure for Huntington’s disease by boosting degradation of toxic proteins
- Understanding fluid-induced seismicity to mitigate the risks of man-made earthquakes
- A state-of-art imaging technique to map the tumour's microenvironment
- Assessing the risks of Earthquake ‘Domino Effect’ to improve resilience
- Better qualifying uncertainty when studying complex phenomena
- Strengthening health care systems in aging East Asia
- Enabling better biodiversity conservation in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia
- Insuring Transformational adaptation of agri-food systems to Climate change by taking the needs and roles of Women into account
- Investigating how flooding hazards will evolve and affect the South China Sea region under changing climate
- Preparing for a sustainable and productive agriculture by investigating plants natural defence barrier
- From obesity to type 2-diabetes : investigating the immune system's potential role
- Actionable Research on Climate Change Risks in Africa
- When financial crisis strike non-democratic societies
- Protecting the Power Supply with Better Risk Management
- Ice Sheet Instability: Is All of West Antarctica at Risk?
- Fixing Inflamed “Pipes” Could Reduce or Prevent Diabetes
- Caring for An Ageing Population: Challenges and Opportunities in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Investor Behavior, Dynamic and Irrational, Helps Tackle Financial Risk
- From Sheep to Insects, Herbivores’ Impact on Tundra Soil and Plants
- To Map the Structures, Circuits and Functions of the Brain, a Pioneer Explores Its “Terra Incognita”
- Protecting Brains from Stroke’s Cellular Stress
- Exploring a New Role for Identity in Health Behaviors
- Economic instruments for sustainable water management
- Combining Risk Assessments for Optimal Group Decisions
- Genuine Artifacts, or Forgeries Good as Gold?
- From Soil Erosion’s Past Come Clues to Its Future Impact on Climate Change
- Is the Ocean to Blame for Extreme Heat Waves?
- Bacterial Armor Provides Protection, but Possible Treatments, Too
- Tempting Marketing Cues And Risk Behavior
- Migration and Human Rights in the Wake of Climate Change
- New hopes if counting sheep is not working for you
- A Holistic Approach to Data Security: Facing New Risks with Big Data and the Cloud
- How Do Poor, Coastal Communities Respond to Flood Risk? The Example of Texas’ Colonias
- When Outbreaks are in Season: Predicting High-Risk Periods for Transmission of Disease
- A Storm is Brewing on the Arctic Frontier
- A Quantum Revolution in Data Security
- Understand and predict sand and dust storms to manage their impacts upon society and economy
- Mercury’s Mysteries in the Arctic Ocean
- Plants Capture Carbon, but Will Ozone Get in the Way?
- Could a Climate Change/Earthquake Link Mean Unexpected Tsunamis?
- Healthier Ageing through Better DNA “Spellcheck”
- Children’s Play & Public Health: A Kenyan Perspective on Fighting Obesity with “Active Play”
- Mother’s Immune System, HIV and Preterm Birth
- Wrapping Up Pandemics in New Nanomaterials
- A New Driver of Immune Diseases: The Many Faces of B Cells
- Keeping Watch on Flooding, Countrywide
- Person-Centric Policies for the Future of Insurance
- Tiny Particles from Fire Have Big Climate Impact
- For Better Monsoon Forecasts, Look to Air Pollution
- HIV Treatment & Social Risk: Women of Tanzania Tell Their Story
- Happiness: An Anti-Stress Elixir for Better Health
- For More Robust Decisions, Let Ambiguity In
- AXA Chair in Medical informatics and life Course Epidemiology
- In a New Age of Risk, Exploring the Social Side of Uncertainty
- Between environmental change and societal transformation: the role of migration for risk management and docial resilience of moroccan smallholder oasis households
- AXA Chair on the economics of risk and information
- The (dis)value of risks and chances
- Modelling the Spatial Spread of Infectious Diseases
- X-ray Science to revolutionise vocanic eruption monitoring
- Effects of Interactions Between Insecticide Resistance Genes and the Bacteria Wolbachia in the Transmission of Pathogens By Mosquito Vectors
- Nanoelectrochemical Sensor For The Detection Of Toxins In Infant Formula
- Fast Solar Wind From Coronal Holes to Interplanetary space
- AXA - Sorbonne Université Joint Research Initiative: “Modelling the Flood Peril"
- HKU-AXA Senior Fellowship on China’s Market Reform
- Urbanization and Climate Change: Understanding Global Dynamics
- Blast From the past - the fate of legacy pollutants in the contemporary environment and their potential biovailability in mountain catchments
- Scientist-Community Engagement to reduce Risk of zoonotic Infection
- Dynamics of the re-mobilisation of silver particles in porous media by chemical and physical perturbations: role of solution chemistry and flow velocity
- Living with Disaster: Qualitative Characterization of Risk
- New technologies to tackle the risks of our power-hungry society: getting closer to room temperature superconductivity
- Agile Application Management
- A new look at threat compensation and risk seeking
- Understanding Transmission of Influenza Viruses in Asia
- Does shareholder voting reduc the risk of destruction of value in acquisitions?
- Mapping Cultural Heritage Risks: from beauty to fragility
- Human Disturbance, Climate Change and Macroalgal-Driven Feedbacks on degraded coral reef Ecosystems
- Deciphering the role of the prefontal cortex in the risk assessment during adaptive control of behavior
- Insurance for building trust and enabling Big Data
- Impact of ice melting due to Global warming in Qinghai-tibetan plateau on groundwater flow systems in Asia
- Structural Role of the Brca1-Palb2-Brca2 Complex in Dna Repair
- AXA-Tsinghua SEM Strategic Research Partnership
- Modelling the flood peril - coupling multi-scale fluid dynamics with weather and rainfall statistics
- Knowledge and Action Bridge Towards Risk Assessment and Resilience Building
- Going for the best treatment, thanks to advances in data, genetic and molecular biology techniques
- Exosomal Communication: Identifiying novel biomarkers/targets in multiple myeloma
- A moral Shield for Black Swans: the 2008 financial Crisis and Islamic Banking in Souhteast Asia and The Mena Region
- Estimating City Growth, Urbanization and Climate-related Risks in the 21st century
- AXA Chair in Ecosystem Engineering and Microbial Ecology
- The molecular mechanisms and reversibility of fisheries-induced evolution - an experimental approach
- Risk-based analyses of future biological invasions following global changes
- Mitigating the risks of plasmid mediated antibiotic resistance
- Strategic Customers in public-service systems subject to uncertainty and congestion: Equilibrium Analysis
- Regional Climate and Weather Hazards
- Metrics for Policy Action in Urban Areas: Characterizing Risks Facing Low-income Groups
- Corporate Accountability and transnational litigation: New Risks, New Strategies
- Tides as a remedy for sinking of deltas
- AXA Chair on Longevity
- AXA-Chair for the Improvement of Healthcare Quality
- Mosquito Life-History Responses to Vector control Measures and their implications for Malaria Tansmission Risk
- Model Risk in Systems Biology
- Synergistic Understanding of Best Ways to improve Air qualitY in underground rail transport systems (SUBWAY)
- AXA Chair in Adversarial Risk Analysis
- Providing evidence to reduce risk of malnutrition in infant and young children in uncertain urban slum environments
- Long-term effects of early life nutritional modulation of aging
- Underwater acoustic sensing for detection, early warning and increased risk awareness of storm surges with application to Ireland
- Do cultural attitudes affect the demand for individual property insurance? The case of China
- AXA Award on The role of lifestyle in cognitive and everyday functioning at older ages
- Large deviation analysis of the dynamics of extreme heat waves in present and future climates
- Assessing the risk of chikungunya and dengue virus transmission in Europe: the effect of realistic environmental conditions on the life history and vector competence of Aedes albopictus
- How accurately can we predict species extinction and reintroduction? Embracing ecological complexity to assess risk in ecosystems
- AXA Award on Big Data, Privacy, and Discrimination
- Environmental Risks and Collective Action in Urban China
- The in vivo role of the RNA-binding protein SLIRP in mitochondrial function
- Chair in Genome Biology and Evolutionary Genomics
- ‘Why not?’ The neural signature of social status in adolescence: implications for sensitivity to social rejection and risk-taking
- Financially fallible folk: Are they really that different and what does behavioural economics tell us about their problems with money?
- Decision-making in conflict affected states: the case of Colombia and Palestine
- Long non-coding RNA control infectivity and transmission of Trypanosoma brucei parasites
- AXA Outlook "You, Me and Our Resilience: Cross-cultural Insights on Resilience, Poverty and Climate Change”
- Assessing the threat of severe convective storms across Europe
- Age-induced metabolic changes in protein acetylation and their role in cognitive loss
- Computational design and engineering of RNA-based decision-making genetic programs in bacteria
- Civil society organizations in conflict situations: the Turkish-Kurdish case
- Assessment of seismic hazard in the Balkans using spatial geodesy (GPS)
- SimCME - Numerical simulations of solar coronal mass ejections
- AXA Chair in Climate Change Impacts and Coastal Risks
- Intra-household risk sharing and public good provision: theory and empirics
- AXA Award Project in Climate and Extreme Weather
- The risk crucible: managing multiple insecurities in the western Sahel
- AXA Chair in Neuroergonomics for flight safety
- Serotonergic Mechanisms of Vulnerability to Stimulant Addiction
- Chair in Air pollution and Health
- Role of the LINC Complex in Endothelial Cell Mechanotransduction
- Continuity of the essential services in the face of earthquake emergency: assessing, mitigating and monitoring the seismic risk
- Unravel the molecular mechanisms of the DNA lesion tolerance pathway
- Ensuring water security under climate change on the Seine River; multi-reservoir multi-purpose reservoir management by use of Model Predictive Control
- Abrupt jet stream reorganization and its climate impacts
- AXA Chair in Longevity
- Effects of climate change on population dynamics of tropical seabirds in the Pacific Ocean
- Cities and Climate Change: addressing a global issue at the local level – Legal analysis of urban adaptation and mitigation strategies
- Predicting climate change risks for commercial fisheries and aquaculture using genetic and physiological approaches in early life stages of fish
- Measuring and Managing herd behavior in financial markets
- Risks to the stability of carbon in tropical peatlands experiencing deforestation and drainage: Quantifying greenhouse gas exchange in response to change
- Exploration of endothelial cell metabolism during neovessel formation and the therapeutic potential
- Novel approaches towards understanding stratosphere-troposphere interaction and its role in weather and climate
- Studying multi-drug resistance implications of the 'excludon', a novel antisense-based regulatory structure in bacteria
- Early and late effects of perinatal exposure to Bisphenol A on hippocampal development
- AXA Chair on Health and Human Security
- Climate change and flood hazard in the Western European Alps: a millennium-long perspective
- Paleoseismology, seismic cycle and tectonic coupling of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone based on coral microatolls
- Social Representations of Pathogens at the Frontiers between Species
- Low Flows and Stream Temperature: Towards an Integrated and Uncalibrated Model for Future Risk Assessment
- Aid(s) dependency in the midst of global economic crisis: biopolitical sovereignty and the risk of non-payment for HIV treatment in Tanzania
- Dementia in Central African countries: epidemiology, follow-up and perspectives
- Effects of Stress on Social and Non-Social Risk Taking
- Preventing preterm birth: The pathogenic role of oral microbes in preeclampsia and intrauterine infection
- Living in Harmony with Cyclones: An Anthropological Study of Life in the Australian Tropics
- ISPETI: Implementation of solid-phase extraction (SPE) for determination of low concentrations of Tl(III) in plant tissues
- Social evolution of microbial heavy metal bioremediation
- Development of novel antibiotics to overcome multi-drug resistant bacteria: Elongation factor P and the virulence pathway
- Study of the motor correlate in the functional model of empathy for pain
- Listeria monocytogenes interactions with intestinal immune cells: impact on bacterial dissemination and host responses
- Adolescent substance use: assessment of risk factors and risk prevention in a comparative perspective
- Studies on the relationship between p53, cancer and ageing
- AXA-ESPCI Chair in Biomedical Imaging
- Empowering Community Resilience Towards Climate Change Impact in Central Africa Using Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
- Impact of extreme weather events on soil microbial community composition and emissions of climate-relevant gases
- Generation of tsunami waves
- How can Financial Cooperatives Contribute to a more Sustainable Banking System and Reduce the Exposure of the Economy to Systemic Risks, Risks of Credit Supply Contraction and Intergenerational Risks?
- Renal progenitor cells in the prevention and regression of age-related renal failure
- Deleterious consequences of caffeine consumption during pregnancy
- How do beliefs change? Cerebral mechanisms of conscious and non-conscious interpretative processes
- Individual-specific risks in evacuation: women and children first?
- There’s Power in Numbers—For Business Groups and Their Employees
- Effects of subinhibitory concentrations of antibiotics on the emergence of antibiotic resistance
- Producing new antimicrobials and enhancing the current drugs polymorphism to fight drug resistance through a new metabolic engineering framework
- Measuring Economic and Financial Activity and Constructing Leading Economic Indicators for Emerging Markets
- New technologies - new uncertainties:the impact of emerging technologies in the management of infectious disease outbreaks
- AXA Chair in Market Sociology
- Chair in Biosphere and Climate Impacts
- Identification and manipulation of molecular pathways relevant for age-dependent tissue regeneration
- Optimal Decision and Enforcement Procedures for Social Policy: The Tax - Benefit System
- Tracking of magnetic nanoparticle biodistribution
- Host factors for influenza A virus entry as novel drug targets
- Interactions between permafrost and the lacustrine environment. Holocene environmental change in the Maritime Antarctic
- Assessing the biomedical risk of engineered nanoparticles: understanding the behaviour of nanoparticles in physiological media and cells
- A Synthetic System of Molecular Co-evolution
- International cooperation in desease control in the face of evolutionary risks
- Challenging addictive behaviours in mouse models with abnormal corticostriatal projections
- Migration Choice under Risk and Liquidity Constraints
- Understanding Katla, Iceland’s notorious and restless volcano: Lessons from 1918
- Understanding the sources of financial risk: a three-mode factor model for stock returns
- Mortality Divergence and Causes of Death
- A seismic and tectonic model of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone: contribution to seismic hazard assessment
- Binding blue carbon: developing global legal and policy responses to an emerging risk of climate change
- Quantifying the causes and consequences of climate change to predict species vulnerability: a framework to inform decision-making
- Testing changes in olfactory processing as a biomarker of mood disorders- a multidisciplinary study
- Role of the Tanycytic Barrier at the Blod-Hypothalamus Interface during Metabolic Disorder Development
- Neonatal jaundice: In vivo bilirubin neurotoxicity in a Ugt1 ko mouse model
- Risk sharing mechanisms in rural India
- Using natural bacteria to control disease transmission by mosquitoes: a quantitative approach
- Risk from Volcanic Ash in the Earth System
- HTLV-1 viral biofilm: generation and transmission of a new infectious entity
- Contributing to seismic hazard assesment in the French-Italian Alps-Mediterranean region : an onshore-offshore, multi-disciplinary and multi-scale approach
- Collective motor oscillations from calcium feedback in a minimal acto-myosin system in vitro
- Use of Historical Seismic Records as Realizations of a Diffuse Field for Tomography of Alluvial Basins: Application for the Valley of Mexico City
- Chair in Financial Market Risk
- Improving estimations of CO2 emissions under REDD+ scheme in Amazonian forests: better understanding for climate change mitigation
- Characterisation of the underlying mechanisms of ageing and cancer
- AXA-CUHK Chair in Geography and Resource Management
- Observations and Modeling of the Arctic Permafrost Carbon Cycle across multiple spatiotemporal scales
- Improving our understanding of key processes in the hydrological cycle of the atmosphere
- AXA-Sorbonne Université Chair on Alzheimer’s disease
- Quakes in the Lab: Avalanche Dynamics in Scale Invariant Phenomena
- Quantifying Risk to Tropical Reefs ('QUARTR')
- Intervertebral disc aging and degeneration: from pathophysiology to innovative treatments
- Allergy: environmental and nutritional programming in childhood
- Reconfiguring the mirror neuron system: individual differences and influences of social attitudes
- Climate change scenario of Mediterranean sea level: a multi-component regional climate modelling approach
- SEDIMER - Sediment-related Disasters and Hazards following the 2010 centennial eruption of Merapi Volcano (Indonesia)
- In-cloud multiphase chemistry: a new way to improve the evaluation of health and climate change risks due to atmospheric aerosols
- Intracellular control of asymmetry by designed RNA scaffolds for understanding cellular aging and risk management in single cells
- Assessing the combined effect of climate change and herbivores' activities on the tundra
- Contribution of human and viral factors to dengue virus assembly
- Modeling ultrasound propagation in cancellous bone: towards early diagnosis of osteoporosis and fracture risk assessment
- Macroenvironment influence on stem cell aging through circadian clock desynchronization
- Outbreaks of respiratory tract infections and emerging risk of encephalitis due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae: characterization by multiple genome analysis
- Assessing the Consequences of Global Warming for The Structure and Functioning of Freshwater Ecosystems
- Characterization of a new sub-cellular compartment involved in the production of biologically active Hedgehog, a molecule necessary for stem cell homeostasis
- Understanding lung dendritic cell function in resistance to influenza: from mouse to human
- Urban and architectural retrofit in a climate changing scenario: the significance of users behaviours and comfort analysis to face overheating risks
- Examining the nanoscale biology of T-cell signalling
- Network of general practitioners and specialists: Profiting from the knowledge about their professional interaction
- Assembly, function and maintenance of olfactory circuits
- Deficient memory processing during sleep: A possible factor in age-related memory impairment
- Impact of fluoroquinolones on human commensal flora: dynamics of bacterial resistance and changes of the intestinal microbiota
- Inter-individual differences in sleep homeostasis and circadian rythmicity on cognition in older people
- Identification of new inhibition mechanisms against viral infections: targeting the conformational transition of the envelope protein leading to virus entry; application to Dengue virus
- Modeling evacuation and land-use planning for volcanic emergencies
- An economic assesment of the role of climate change and transboundary cooperation in hydropower production in the Niger Basin
- Policy Options for Improving the Quality of Mental Health Care for Seniors in Long-term Care (LTC) and Assisted Living (AL)
- The Basis of Individual Risk-Taking, Using Bats as a Model
- Dynamics of the RNAi-mediated antiviral immunity
- Malaria vaccines: a rational path toward identification of protective pre-erythrocytic stage vaccine candidates
- Sting jet windstorm in current and future climates
- Forced migration, environmental risks and conflicts
- The fragile nature of Near Earth Objects – studying how a single impactor can become a multi-threat to Earth
- The role of reward in sleep-related memory consolidation and brain plasticity
- Tracking intracellular nanoparticle dynamics and cytotoxic/epigenetic signatures both in vitro and in vivo using advanced cytometry and multimodal imaging
- Mass action and contact network models for social mixing in infectious disease transmission modeling
- 3D simulation of magnetic islands dynamics during solar flare events
- Quantifying the risks caused by habitat loss: a practical toolkit for informed decision-making
- Deciphering the role of active remodeling of cortical actin on the spatiotemporal organization of cell surface molecules using an in vitro assay
- The role of exercise, ageing and female sex hormones upon physiologic measures of cardiac structure and function in pre- and post-menopausal women
- Crowding, jamming and cooperativity in dense population flows: experimental physical model
- Analyze the risks of epidemic spread by geographic information science
- The reduction of interpersonal risk: Social basis of apology
- Mechano-chemical modulation of axon outgrowth using a novel, high-throughput in vitro model system
- Biology of immortal and robust organisms
- Regulation of protein aggregation in sarcopenia
- Mechanics of the actin cortex in biomimetic and living systems
- Social stress and its oxidative and pro-ageing consequences: an ontogenic and evolutionary approach in birds and mammals
- Essays in Institutional Risk
- Characterization of novel genetic regulatory elements controlling diatom response to stress in marine environment
- Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease: The link between aging, vascular disease and cognitive decline
- Data mining and volcanic eruption forecasting
- Reference point mechanism - combined approach from neuroscience and economics
- Population Genomics of Emerging Pneumococcal Clones in a Vaccinated Community
- Pneumococcal vaccination strategies for crisis-affected populations
- Genome-wide investigation of inborn errors of immunity to human infectious diseases on the individual and population levels
- Essays on Welfare and Social Protection, The Impact of Universal Health Insurance on Welfare: Evidence from Mexico’s Seguro Popular
- International variation in the socioeconomic health gradient : do the institutional arrangements matter?
- Insurance modernity
- The Partition of India: consequences on the agrarian structure on the short and long term
- "The Healthy Longevity Phenotype"; Definition, Associated Factors and Prediction
- Micro-evolutionary response to climate change in wild populations
- Sustainable Biomass valorisation based on iron catalysed reactions
- Loss of robustness as the key to drug repositioning
- Blunted physiological reactions to acute psychological stress: A novel marker of risky behaviour, addiction, and poor health?
- Investigating the effects of climate change on habitat connectivity and gene flow between populations of marine top predators using landscape genetics
- Boosting the anti-tumoral properties of T lymphocytes via the CD28 costimulatory molecules
- ISLAR - Industrial seismic loss assessment and reduction
- High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy for Lens Aging effects at the single molecule level
- Fertility intentions and reality in East Asia
- Food, brain, and distractibility: Goal-directed versus habitual control of food intake
- Design of innovative and beneficial protocol of exercise from mouse models to human SMA patients
- AXA Chair on Natural Hazards
- High resolution paleoceanography of the southern Gulf of California during the Middle and Late Holocene
- Survival Mechanisms in Tardigrades against Radiation and Desiccation
- Corrosion and interlacement percolation
- Banksters - Attribution of Responsibility in the Financial Crisis
- The Opium Market, Revenue Opportunities and Insurgency in Afghanistan’s Provinces
- Magma Dynamics at Erebus Volcano, Antarctica
- Pharmacodiversity Oriented Synthesis: A New Tool For The Rapid Discovery Of Treatment For Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria
- Genetic basis of cognitive ageing: Investigations through genetic variant association with white matter integrity
- 5-COOP: Relationships between the level of mortality selection and the health status of the oldest old
- Improved detection of emergent infectious disease threats in the aftermath of armed conflicts and natural disasters
- Impact of cataract surgery and intra-ocular lens replacement on endocrine and molecular ciracdian rythms, sleep and cognitive function in older adults
- Role of brain structure and function in juvenile delinquent and risk-taking behaviors and its impact on biological and psychosocial treatment efficacy
- Catastrophe, emergency and social mobilization: an ethnography of post-disaster in Haiti
- Towards Understanding the Sources of Risk in Exchange Rates
- Genetic abrogation of the amplifying pathway in pancreatic ß-cells: effects on diet-induced obesity
- To combat dependence with a novel approach against the TAU protein abnormalities of dementia
- Cerebral mechanisms underlying cognition-related time-of-day modulations in healthy ageing: a functional neuroimaging approach
- Carbon tariffs: an instrument for tackling climate change?
- Risk assessment for groundwater flooding in Ireland : use of hydroecological indicators
- Role of cortical parvalbumin interneurons in fear behavior
- The molecular genetic basis of addiction to drugs of abuse: Dynamic transcriptional profiling of cocaine-induced gene expression in the Nucleus Accumbens
- Cellular mechanism mediating the impairment in synaptic plasticity associated with the transition to addiction
- Forecasting Risk: Realized Quantile Approach
- Influence of anthropogenic emissions on particle-cloud interactions
- Dopaminergic regulation of dietary learning
- Fighting Buruli ulcer with innovative tools: from diagnosis to fundamental and therapeutical perspectives
- Predictability of high-impact weather events: Sensitivity to upper-level atmospheric anomalies
- AXA Chair in Molecular Oncology
- Decide For Others: What Determines the Attitude toward Risk/Uncertainty
- Experimental approach of an emerging medical concern: Study of antibiotic resistance in biofilms formed by pathogenic bacteria in long-term intravenous catheters
- Investigating the mechanisms regulating recombination during meiosis
- The Risks of Greed and Fear in Financial Decision Making
- Viral engineering for the treatment of neurogenic detrusor overactivity due to spinal cord injury: proof of concept study
- A quantitative sociobiological approach to fluctuating stress and resource management
- Autophagy for longevity
- Tumor and micro-environment, role of pressure in tumoral growth
- Chemical genetics of clathrin-independent endocytosis and retrograde transport — identification and molecular analysis of small molecule inhibitors of toxin entry into cells
- On some problems of rough path theory:Partial differential equations and cubature methods
- Effects of light on cognitive performance, circadian markers, autonomic nervous system and sleep homeostasis in healthy elderly men and women with different PER3 genotypes
- AXA Chair in Risk and Reliability Engineering
- Re-establishing self-tolerance by targeting MHC class II-restricted autoimmunity
- The Dynamics of Explosive Volcanism
- Critical influence of alcohol consumption and withdrawal on brain outcome following ischemic stroke and thrombolysis
- Aids immunotherapy by t-cell vaccination (TCV)
- Study of endocytosis mechanisms on an experimental system that mimics a cell
- Flammability Parameters for Forest Fire Fuels for an Improved Risk Index
- Investigating the mechanisms controlling the downregulation of microtubule organization at centrosomes
- Effects of early-onset obesity on brain inflammation and cognitive abilities in rats
- The role of IGF signalling in tissue homeostasis during aging: studying stem and progenitor cell behaviour using mouse models of IGF1-R conditional mutagenesis and systems analysis
- Political Environment: The Impact of Climate Change on Politics in South Asia
- Global Climate Change and the Spread of Malaria
- New Technologies to Reduce CO2 emissions: Using CO2 to make Plastics
- Determination of optimal PEP level for speech under patient control in tracheostomized ventilator-dependant subjects
- Evaluation of decadal predictability of rainfall over sub-Saharan Africa
- Rare events and learning
- Paleoceanographic constraints on climate sensitivity
- Roll-over Risk and debt maturity
- Flow modification for flood control – a biodiversity trade-off analysis
- Magma movements and associated stress changes at Eyjafjallajökull and Katla volcanoes, Iceland
- Inborn errors of IL-17 immunity in humans
- AXA Chair in Risk
- Robustness in managing risk uncertainty
- Studying cancer pathways in stem cells
- Understanding Internal Erosion in Embankment Structures
- Deciphering the Physico-Chemical Conditions Leading to the Formation of Ikaite in Polar Sea Ice
- Predicting Moonlighting Proteins to Prevent Drug Side Effects
- Vigi-Sore – Conception of a technological device for the reduction or compensation of motor or mental handicap
- Role of the cannabinoid CB1 receptor in neuronal remodeling in the adolescent brain and its implication in the transition to schizophrenia
- Mittag-Leffler Fellowship Project
- Biology of decision making under risk
- Inducing autoimmunity in bacteria
- Personality traits, new insights for ecological invasion
- Changes in Glacier and Ice Shelf Extents in a climate warming hot-spot - the Antarctic Peninsula
- Climate Change and Conflict: the Co-Benefits of Adaptation
- Identification of bacterial factors involved in virulence and shared by main serogroups of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- An anthropological approach of flood management through three case studies in Fiji Islands (Melanesia)
- Optimal risk-based decisions by maximizing extraction of environmental information for streamflow forecasts
- Chair AXA - University of Strasbourg in Supramolecular Chemistry
- Carry Trades and Monetary Policy
- The environmental impact of the 1815 Tambora eruption in 2015
- Modern Actuarial Risk Theory
- Chair AXA - BSE on Macroeconomic Risk
- Seismic monitoring of surface processes under a changing climate
- Reasoning in Risky Environments: Fuzzy Logic and Information Fusion
- Analyzing the logistics configuration and operation of home medical emergency systems using descriptive and optimization models
- Evolution of tree distribution under global change: colonisation dynamics of Holm oak populations at the Northern edge of the distribution area
- Risk management and regulation of financial institutions
- Phytoremediation in constructed wetlands of storm and ground waters of sites contaminated by metals (Cu, As, Cr) and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
- Explaining the Adaptability of Counterterrorist Organisations: France, Britain and the United States facing Transnational Terrorism
- Bayesian data fusion for the space-time forecasting of precipitations
- Responses of Diatoms and Coccolithophores growth, productivity and metabolism to pCO2 and metal levels (Zn, Co, Cd) and set up of chemostats
- Chair on Longevity and healthy active life
- The role of the p53 mRNA-Mdm2 interaction in controlling the DNA damage response
- Assessment of flood embankments integrity using Geophysics and thermographic techniques combined with tracers
- Neurophysiological substrates of inter-individual vulnerability to cocaine dependence and its modulation by environmental conditions
- Modeling the dynamics of reintroduced populations
- Smart Biosensors through RNA computing: Computational design of RNA networks
- Evolution of Hail Storms over Europe in a Changing Climate
- The use of intentional signals to switch ON/OFF movement decoding in brain-machine interfaces
- Effects of global changes on the vegetation management plan of the Ibity protected area, Madagascar
- The formation and maturation of synapses, synaptic plasticity and physiopathological implications
- Temporal and epigenetic regulation of neural progenitor plasticity in Drosophila
- Particular methods for the statistical analysis of mixtures of distributions and of hidden Markov chains
- Climate change and extreme weather events
- Identification of the cellular receptor to Neisseria meningitidis
- Increasing Longevity in Vietnam: Strategies for Long-Term Care - the Intergenerational Contract
- High-pressure studies of molecular hydrides
- Studying and forecasting the climate change using novel methods of statistical analysis
- Numerical methods and models in market risk and financial valuations Area
- Ultra-structural changes and trace element / isotope partitioning in calcifying organisms (foraminifera, ostracods)
- Assessing attitudes toward traffic safety and risk behaviours among urban cyclists during their daily trips: the CASC study
- Anti-oxidation protection in Deinococcus radiodurans
- Probabilities in Decision Trees: the impact of action on uncertainty
- Spreading the blame: the allocation of responsibility amongst multiple economic agents
- Evolutionary consequences of global warming on molluscan communities
- Early Diagnosis and Preventative Therapies for Type 1 Diabetes: Novel Immune-based Approaches
- Investigating the influence of perceived face trustworthiness on decision making under uncertainty
- Climate changes and emerging infectious diseases in the Mediterranean wetlands
- Time horizon and investors risk taking in the presence of risk
- Diversity of marine prasinoviruses at a global scale: is everything everywhere?
- Animath
- Stratospheric influence on monthly-to-seasonal climate predictability
- A geospatial analysis of the environmental impacts of the UK consumption: analysing the triangular trade between UK, China and Africa
- Childhood herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE): a novel primary immunodeficiency
- Electrophysiological activity of the ventral striatum in response to emotional prosody among patients suffering from resistant and chronic depression – ancillary study to the Pré-STHYM study
- Epigenetics and ageing: the role of the lysine specific demethylase LSD-1
- How does climate change affect the dispersal ability of plant species? A case study of the fine-scale spatial genetic structure of Azorella selago on sub-Antarctic Marion Island
- Functions of hydrodynamic forces in neurogenesis
- Optical Properties of healthy, ageing and pathological tissue of the anterior segment of the eye
- Mixing of deep ocean water masses induced by gravity waves
- How can private long-term care insurance supplement state systems? The UK as a case study
- Chair on Household Finance and Insurance
- Seismic and tsunami risk in Northern Chile
- Postpartum Hemorrhage: epidemiological profile and assessment of anesthesia and intensive care practices in France
- European Windstorms in a Changing Climate: Storm Tracks, Clustering and Multi-peril Extremes
- A seamless approach to assessing model uncertainties in climate projections of severe European windstorms
- Transient free-surface flows of concentrated suspensions: application to geophysical flows
- Assessing the risk of mortality in cases of near-miss maternal morbidity
- Economic adaptation to forced migration: a comparative analysis of Tibetan refugees in India, Nepal, and Canada
- A metabolic analysis of longevity and ageing in the model organism C. elegans
- Chair AXA - HEC For Decision Science
- The economics and psychology of risk taking, impatience and financial decisions
- Covenants in Private and Public Debt Contracts and Their Effects on Corporate Performance
- Global change and reproductive behavior: plasticity or microevolution?
- Marine submersion: new challenges, new legal practices
- Biomarkers of cerebral and arterial aging in functional MRI
- Pushing the Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering to Defeat Atherosclerosis
- Bile acid signaling and age-related diseases: role of TGR5 in atherosclerosis
- To Transplant or to Rebuild : how consumers of emerging markets Interpret the Meanings of Global Brands ?
- Pregnant women choices regarding the prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome (amniocentesis)
- Categorical Quantum axiomatics
- Inflation and the term structure
- Theoretical study of plasma expansion into a vacuum and of the acceleration of high energy ion
- Evolution of the Mechanisms of plants adaptation to climate change
- Tree Range evolution under Climate change
- Explicit geometry and arithmetic of elliptic curves and application to cryptography
- A hybrid physical / statistical model for predicting the probability of very extreme rainfall
- Fields and Flares : understanding the complex magnetic topologies of solar active regions
- Chair AXA - IHES in Mathematics
- Palaeoecology, environmental risks on forest ecosystems
- New developments in Competing risks
- Temporal and special modelling of root reinforcement in natural mountains and protected forests
- Estimating the impacts of climate change on Water Quality and Toxic Cyanobacterial Blooms
- Natural killer cell education : acquisitions, anti-tumor properties, and tolerance to self
- Air security: explaining the European Union decision-making after 11 September 2001
- The ethnic and racial origin of the immigrants and their descent in the public statistics : the relations between the French scientific and political fields in the lights of a controversy
- Motor variability as a marker of the aging effects on the neuro-musculo-skeletal system
- Glaciological Balance of the Glacial Arctic Ocean in the context of the International Polar year
- Study of the temperature evolution in Antarctica : a contribution to the global warning monitoring
- Financial decision-making under ambiguity
- Unraveling the molecular basis of a Synuclein Dysfunction and the Impairment of Neurogenesis
- Risk evaluation for recurrent events
- Enhanced molecular Breast Cancer imaging : 1 mm resolution positron emission tomography
- Leading by example : an evolutionary perspective on group-decision making
- Receptor signalling coupled to antigen presentation in dentritic cells
- Marine aliens and climate change
- Corporate default prediction & Credit Risk chain modelling
- Root reinforcement properties variations at different soil moisture content and impact on slope stability
- French PNNS adequation score and risk for cancer
- Host factors involved in Chikungunya virus infection
- Sources of Risk in Developing Economies
- Ageing : a multi-scale approach
- Sustainable chemistry from alkanes
- Corporate governance and ethics management in professional service firms
- Chair for a systems approach to individual differences in longevity
- Phenotypic heterogeneity in isogenic cell populations mechanisms and consequences
- Assesing the risks of civil conflict
- A proteomic approach to study cell migration during metastasis
- Economics and Finance
- Environmental effect on animal development with special focus on chordat neural patterning
- Global network for secure data transfer
- Devices for measurement and interpretation of nerve activity
- Climate change impact on wave climate in coastal area, using dynamical downscaling : application to the Aquitanian coast, France
- Quantic information and its impact on information systems
- Climate change impacts and the global transformation of migration patterns towards new normative frameworks
- Impact of climate change on marine biodiversity : the case of plankton-feeding species
- Smart motion sensor for navigated prosthetic surgery
- Fiscal Policies in developing countries
- Venture Capital, Innovation and strategic patenting
- Analysis of the meteorological factors triggering debris flows
- Neural Basis of expected utility and mean variance model of decision making
- Deciphering global regulation in Mycobacterium Smegmatis
- Large scale european flooding under climate change
- Global Water Ressources : the impacts of climate change and populations dynamics
- Mathematical investigation of recall-type options with underlying asset whose value undergoes jumps
- From measuring to forecasting crises : what are the implications of Asset Allocation?
- Innovative responses to environmental Threats : the role of « local » knowledge
- Resources from the web and resources from the network. High-school students' digital practices in low-income neighborhoods of Rio
- Regional impact of climate change on the atmospheric forcing over the Chile-Peru upwelling system
- Age-specific mortality, health and economic growth : an endogenized life expectancy
- Chair in Financial Market Risk by Frederico BELO
- Get research insights
- AXA Launches A Pledge for Science Campaign
- New AXA Chair in RNA Biology for Sustainable Agriculture Awarded to Federico Ariel in Argentina
- The AXA Research Fund Announces the Selection of its New Post-Doc Fellowship
- IPBES Releases Two Groundbreaking Reports on Biodiversity Supported by the AXA Research Fund
- Dr. Nils Goseberg Wins the AXA IM Research Award for His Work on Coastal Zone Protection in the Face of Climate Change
- Opening the Black Box: How ‘Explainable AI’ Can Help Us Understand How Algorithms Work
- What CO₂ ‘Jumps’ from Antarctic Ice Say About Climate Change
- Celebrating 10 Years of Progress in Neuro-Ergonomics at ISAE-SUPAERO
- Towards Client -Side Encryption and Secure Computation in Cloud Computing
- Towards a Sustainable and Insurable Future - an AXA CEPR Event
- Call for Research Proposals - Disaster Preparedness and Reconstruction
- New African Scientific Progress Award.
- What I Learned About Eco-Anxiety After Listening to the Climate Stories of 1,000 People from Around the World
- We’ve Discovered the World’s Trees Absorb Methane – So Forests Are Even More Important in the Climate Fight than We Thought
- Pregnant Nigerian Women Need Faster Access to Hospitals – Technology Helped us Calculate Travel Times
- How Solar Storms Play Havoc With our Lives
- The AXA Research Fund Releases its 2023 Activity Report
- 2023 Activity Report
- The "Grand Jet d'Or" de Genève Awarded to a Project on PFAS Emissions
- AXA Italia, the AXA Research Fund and Bocconi University renew their commitment to the AXA Research Lab on Gender Equality
- ‘Transformative Change’: Idea Will Be Key in Fight for Climate and Wildlife
- Seven Reasons More Female Leaders Would Be a Positive Step for the Climate
- The AXA Research Fund and the Geneva Health Forum Launch 50,000€ Grand Jet d’Or de Genève Award to Address Pollution's Impact on Human Health
- Women's Health Fellowhip: Outcome Summary
- New AXA Chair in Cardiovascular Risk in Women During Menopause Granted with 1M€ in Seville
- New AXA Chair at VUB on Water Quality Management Granted with €1M
- The AXA Research Fund Announces 7 New Fellows in the Field of Renewable Energy
- Why Traditional Cooking Isn’t Always Healthier: The Case of Ghanaians in Manchester and in Accra
- Dr Anika Haque wins the 2023 AXA IM Research Award for her work on the impacts of climate change on urbanised and disadvantaged areas in the global South
- Call for Research Proposals Building Resilience against Systemic Cyber Risk
- Swiss Re Institute-AXA Research Fund: A Risk Resilience Partnership Fostering Research on Systemic Risk
- Why the Pyrenees’ Mountain Lakes are Turning Green
- AXA UK, the AXA Research Fund and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Launch a New Observatory on Dengue Outbreaks
- Overcoming the Climate Crisis with Trade-based Strategies
- Julia d’Astorg is Appointed Head of the AXA Research Fund
- Doing Laundry by Hand Sheds Just as Many Microfibres as Machine Washing – New Research
- AXA XL and AXA Research Fund Join Cambridge Systemic Risks Hub
- AXA Chair on Water Quality and Global Change Selected at Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- The AXA Research Fund Releases its Impact Report (2018-2022)
- Impact Report of the Fund's Third Mandate
- The AXA Research Fund is Launching MasterScience
- 2022 Activity Report
- AXA-Bocconi Gender Equality Conference 2023
- Supporting Science to Reduce the Gender Gap
- How Technology Impacts Young Minds
- Upcycling Plastic Waste by Using Excess Carbon Dioxide
- The AXA Research Fund Announces 8 New Fellows in the Field of Climate Change and Health
- Quantum Computers Threaten Our Whole Cybersecurity Infrastructure: Here’s How Scientists Can Bulletproof It-
- The AXA Research Fund Announces Its Mandate Renewal and New President of The Scientific Board
- Why We Need More Lehman Sisters: The Significant Benefits of Female Leadership
- Trade Policy, Climate Change and Shifting Comparative Advantage
- Climate Urbanism: Building Resilience in Urban Contexts
- A Successful and Just Energy Transition to a Net-zero World
- The Social Role of Money in an Age of Digitalization
- Barriers to Women in Employment and Leadership
- Reducing Nitrogen-Based Fertilizer Emissions: Soil Microorganisms Could Hold the Key
- Informal Networks in a Changing World
- Place-based Approaches for Tackling Regional Differences
- Building Resilience by Addressing Intergenerational Inequality
- What Is Societal Resilience?
- Building Societal Resilience - The Role of Inclusion in a Fragmented World
- A Grain in the Climate System: The Emerging Threat of Sand and Dust Storms
- Innovative Cancer-Fighting Gene Targeting Research
- Just How Safe Are Cosmetics on the European Market?
- Quantifying and Understanding the Changing Risk of Climate on Water and Food Security in Southern Africa
- Wildfires and Climate Master Class
- iRisk Conference: Making Decisions in an Uncertain World
- Less Leadership, More Democracy: Lessons From a Craft Brewer’s Management Crisis
- Functional Ultrasound Microscopy: Sensing the Whole Brain Neuronal Activity at the Micron Scale
- The Use of Virtual Reality for the Treatment of Mental Health Issues
- Lifesaving Maternal Health Services Are So Close, Yet So Far for Pregnant Women Living in Sub-Saharan Africa’s Largest Metropolis
- New Research Reveals That Wildfires Can Influence El Niño
- How Trade Regulations May Be Opening Up a New Era of Sustainable Growth in the Global South
- #ShareYourAXAResearch Digital Event
- Inflation and Interest Rates in the Time of COVID and War
- How Does the Cockpit Pecking Order Impact Decision-Making During the Final Approach?
- The Multiple Faces of Inequality in India
- AXA and UNESCO Announce the Laureates of the Ocean Decade Joint Call for Fellows on Coastal Livelihood
- The AXA Research Fund Supports the IPBES Fellowship Programme to Strengthen Biodiversity Research
- 10 New Fellows in the Field of Harmful Substances
- The Geneva Health Forum and the AXA Research Fund reveal the winner of the Grand Jet d’Or de Genève joint award
- Sand and Dust Storms and Their Impacts on Health, Economy and the Environment
- Clearing Alien Trees Can Help Reduce Climate Change Impact on Cape Town’s Water Supply
- AXA-Bocconi Gender Equality Conference 2022
- Building Cities Resilience in Response to Droughts
- AXA IM and the AXA Research Fund join forces with the Paris School of Economics (PSE) to launch a new Research Chair: “For a Successful Energy Transition”
- Why Victims of Domestic Abuse Don’t Leave – Four Experts Explain
- Cities must listen to people to find solutions for climate impacts: stories from Cape Town
- Celebrating Women in Science
- Stress Less – It Might Protect You from Covid
- How AI and Blockchain Could Fix Supply Chains
- Climate Change is Transforming Mountains
- Building Cyber Resilience
- AXA & IOC-UNESCO Call for Research Projects on Coastal Livelihoods
- Coastal Resilience and the Role of Nature Based Solutions
- Mental Health: Transitioning to a Sustainable Wellbeing Society
- The AXA Research Fund Announces the Winners of the AXA Award for Climate Science
- AXA and the Chinese Academy of Financial Inclusion (CAFI) Launch a Research Partnership to Understand the Financial Lives of Low-income Households in China
- Thinking About Security and Society
- AI Regulation and the Limits of Transparency
- Microplastic Pollution in the Ocean Contributes to Antibiotic Resistance
- The Link Between Mental Health Problems and Later Physical Health
- Explainable Artificial Intelligence : a Key Enabler for Using AI in Healthcare and so Expanding Healthcare Access
- Machine Learning to Predict Health Outcomes
- Northern Red Sea Corals Pass Heat Stress Test with Flying Colors
- Intelligent Fertilisers Reduce Agricultural Pollution
- Attack of the Alien Invaders: Pest Plants and Animals Leave a Frightening $1.7 Trillion Bill
- How we Mapped Billions of Trees in West Africa Using Satellites, Supercomputers and AI
- Putting a Dollar Figure on Protection From Coral Reefs
- How Much are Invasive Species Costing Us?
- Gender Equality in Decision Making Positions
- How Can We Mitigate the Impacts of Dust Storms?
- Science Behind the Scenes: ‘From the Earth’s Poles to the Equator, I Study Birds and their Parasites’
- AXA Science Talk on Extreme Weather
- Women in Science – Sharing their Voice
- Cybersecurity Risk and How to Manage Them
- The Secrets to Self-Confidence, According to Cognitive Science
- Access to Critical Maternal Health Services in an African Megacity
- Anti-Gravity: how a Boat can Float Upside Down
- Covid-19 : Advances from Pasteur Institute’s Task Force
- Mountains, a Fragile Source of Life
- An Exclusive and Imaginary Interview with the Coronavirus
- New AXA Chair at UC Santa Cruz to Build Coastal Resilience Naturally
- OpenCovid19 Initiative: Accelerating Solutions Through Open and Participatory Research
- Mountain Research to Protect our Future
- The Effect of Invasive Species on our Health and Economy
- How Deforestation is Disrupting our Biodiversity
- Pushing the Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering to Defeat Atherosclerosis
- Epidemics, Humanitarian Crises and Migration: Three New Researchers Awarded
- Fighting COVID-19 and its Effects with 10 Innovative Research Projects
- Science and Policy Interaction to Fight Climate Change
- Nature Under Threat : Interview with Sir Robert Watson
- Explainable AI for Healthcare – Enabling a Revolution
- Biodiversity at Risk
- Pandemic exposes vulnerabilities of world’s cities
- Confronting a Global Crisis
- Covid-19 : Advances from Pasteur Institute’s Task Force - 1
- “The health effects of air pollution are more pervasive than we thought” - Prof. Sverre Vedal
- Covid-19 Expert Series
- Climate Change, Loss of Biodiversity and Epidemics: Causal Effects and Lessons for the Next Global Crisis
- Covid-19 - Health Systems Response, Role of Data and AI and Mental Health Effects
- Harnessing genomic information to create Green Super Rice - Prof. Rod Wing's research outcomes
- Mental health and well-being, a key area of support for the AXA Research Fund
- The future of cities in the face of twin crises
- Launch of the AXA-UCC Chair to fight malaria at University College Cork
- Keeping it real: reliable, robust predictions for the future of ecosystems - Prof. Colin Prentice's research outcomes
- The AXA Research Fund commits to the COVID-19 effort
- The AXA Research Fund supports the Billion Molecules Against COVID19 Challenge
- How to restart the COVID-Lockdown Economy
- 5 tips for our mental health
- Fighting an emerging invasive pathogen from Asia
- OpenCOVID-19: a pluri-disciplinary, open-source response to the crisis
- COVID-19: The AXA Research Fund strengthens its support to the Institut Pasteur
- Domestic abuse: how to help someone you think might be at risk
- How does mercury end up in our plates?
- Getting East Asia ready for the Realities of Climate Change - Prof. Gabriel Lau's research outcomes
- Half of our beaches to disappear by 2100
- Explaining Science in just 3 minutes: 3 AXA Meets Science pitches
- Measuring the impact of protecting biodiversity : a practical tool
- Mental Health: 6 new projects supported in 2020
- Why you should think twice before buying that new TV set
- Biodiversity at Risk : Preserving the Natural World for our Future
- Can facemasks help reduce the negative health impacts of air pollution?
- 8 new projects on Marine Biodiversity supported by the AXA Research Fund in 2019, with €1M commitment
- Taking back the hills: a tale of women rights and lands in the Catalan Pyrenees
- Uganda offers lessons in tapping the power of solid waste
- How to cope with stress and live happier, healthier lives?
- It’s a Risky Life! Understanding the Math behind risk and decision-making
- AXA Research Fund works with the Red Cross Foundation
- Light, a possible solution for a sustainable AI
- Silver Age : Aging better
- Silver Age : Caring today – new ways towards better aging
- Silver Age : Curing tomorrow – with science and innovation
- Silver Age : Fostering new perspectives
- Launch of the Toulouse INP- AXA chair on Functional Mountain Ecology
- Energy Transition: 5 new projects supported by the AXA Research Fund in 2018
- What works best to efficiently improve the health of slum children ?
- Eyes in the sky: How satellites can monitor infrastructure health
- Could the solution to osteoporosis be in the bile ?
- The human impact on the future of our oceans
- AXA rallies its customers and employees to support medical research
- Dealing with Risk & Uncertainty – a 30’ read
- How can we help manage non-communicable diseases?
- Ocean fish are under threat if we don’t curb carbon dioxide emissions
- How will climate change impact pollination ?
- Towards better predictions of local storms
- Dr Anne Boring's interview: Breaking down gender barriers
- The science of change : helping Africa weather future risks
- Supporting women facing precarious situations in developing countries
- Why access to healthcare is not enough
- Are our cities effectively planning for climate change?
- The AXA Research Fund commits €1M to scientific research dedicated to women’s health
- Marine fish may soon lose their sense of smell. Here is why it matters
- How Does Your Brain Process and Create a Vision of the World?
- #ShareYourAXAResearch 2018
- Will we ever be able to breathe pure air?
- Will paralysed people be able to walk again one day?
- Centre for Global Finance Seminar Series
- Geopolitical risk: technologies & uncertainties
- Artificial Intelligence: fostering trust through research
- Understanding ice melting
- Maximizing the extraordinary potential of artificial intelligence
- Science working for a better future for everyone
- Supporting science to help our wishes come true
- Science speaks
- Living longer, but better
- 39 new research programs in 2018
- Why Your Phone Shouldn’t Cost the Earth?
- How Can We Live Longer and Healthier Lives?
- How Can You Give Your Baby the Best Start in Life?
- Paving the way for the development of responsible AI
- Can We Train Our Brains to Become Safer Drivers?
- It's a Risky Life Ep#8
- How research helps build more resilient cities
- It's a Risky Life Ep#7
- Can Big Data Help Beat Diabetes?
- How to fight stress with a smile?
- Best-Of Internet of Things & Data Protection Conference
- Chair in Financial Market Risk by Lily FANG
- It's a Risky Life Ep#6
- Internet of Things & Data Protection Matchmaking Conference
- Internet of Things & Data Protection Matchmaking Conference Q&A Panel
- Internet of Things & Data Protection Matchmaking Conference Concluded by Thomas Buberl
- Internet of Things & Data Protection Matchmaking Conference Roundtable
- Cyber Insurance, Scott Sayce
- Information Security, Laurent Bénichou
- Legal & Ethical Challenges, Cecile Wendling
- Data Security & Privacy, Pr. Robert Deng
- Security Information, Pr. Bryan Ford
- Legal & Ethical Challenges, Pr. Paul Ohm
- It's a Risky Life Ep#5
- It's a Risky Life Ep#4
- It's a Risky Life Ep#3
- It's a Risky Life Ep#2
- Insurance : enabling resilience for Cities
- Earthquakes: Exploring Early Warning Systems
- Air Pollution: Exploring the Impact on Health
- Flooding: Exploring Early Warning Systems
- Exploring Future City Growth & Urban Landscapes
- Scientists uncover the effects of volcanic ash on jet engines
- Launch an AXA Chair in Epigenetics in Greece
- Supporting Research for Progress 2017 Annual Review
- AXA Chair in Cybersecurity at SMU
- New AXA Chair in African Climate Risks
- Ensuring Financial & Political Stability
- Tackling Neurodegenerative Diseases
- The Future of Medicine
- Improving Healthcare Systems
- Reducing Risky Behaviours
- Preparing for Climate Change
- Mitigating our Impact on the Environment
- Natural Disasters
- Challenges of Data
- Health Challenges of the Future
- It's a Risky Life Ep#1
- Launch of the AXA Chair in Regional Climate and Weather Hazards at KIT
- The socio-economic risks of the financial markets
- “Long-term care…short-term challenges?”
- Exploring the Social Side of Uncertainty
- As Cities Grow and the Climate Changes, New 21st Century Risks Emerge
- Controlling the World’s Epidemics with Mathematical Tools
- Personalized Care for Ovarian Cancer
- Building a Better Flood Forecasting Tool
- Addressing the gaps in the current knowledge on geohazards in Southeast Asia
- Extreme rainfall : how to better prevent it ?
- Simplicity Yields More Powerful Predictions for the Biosphere
- Prepare for Landing: The Neuroscience of Flight Safety
- Breaking the Vicious Circle Around Undocumented Migration
- Rethinking the architecture of data privacy : a key role for insurance
- Let’s share the science of living longer
- Living Longer In Good Health
- Unlocking The Secrets of Longevity in Japan
- Scientists Repair Damaged Brain Tissue
- Slowing Mental Decline In The Elderly
- Micro-Sensors Monitor How Arteries Heal After Surgery
- Facing New Risks with Big Data and the Cloud
- When Animal Diseases Spread to Humans
- First International Conference in Neuroergonomics
- PILI: HIV from the female perspective
- Organ donor research shows how Tardigrades could save lives
- How learning styles can influence what kind of leader you are?
- What effect could a solar flare (or CME) have on the earth?
- Studies of panicking crowds help shape building evacuations
- How airplane technology can help prevent heart attacks
- Scientists reveal how much water you consume daily
- Thomas Landrain : The Soul of a Biohacker
- Launch of the Research Program in Information Security and Privacy
- What do we mean by 'Science Communication'?
- Science & the Data revolution
- Personalized approach to treatment for women cancer
- Launch of the AXA Chair on Quantum Cryptography
- Climate change discussion with Henri de Castries, Pr D. Balk & Pr A. Sobel
- Supporting the CNRS Aur@sia Symposium in Singapore
- Understanding and better grasping climate risks
- How are we going to feed the world without destroying it?
- How to improve safety of our food and water ?
- How can we reduce irrational and risky eating behaviors?
- Soils Pollution
- Is science always the environment's best friends?
- #COP21 Climate change & extreme weather
- 44 new risk-related research projects in 2015
- "Why we are proud to support research"
- AXA Award “Modelling the Spatial Spread of Infectious Diseases”
- Understanding Transmission of Influenza Viruses in Asia
- Antitumor gold nanoparticles
- Cure cancer with gold particles
- The Science of ageing
- Preparing pilots for critical situations
- Risks of climate change & coastal communities
- 2014 Pop Days - 11 researchers pitch their project in 30 seconds
- 2014 Pop Days - 11 research projects at a glance... and many more!
- Launch of a partnership with Tsinghua SEM
- We need a completely new approach to caring for older people
- Jean Tirole awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics
- Read Explorer Jon Waterman's insights
- Debate: Floods, a new landscape
- Uwe Ulbrich
- Pr. Peter Carmeliet
- Katrina Brown
- Katrina Brown (1)
- Adam Sobel (1)
- Pr. Harald Hampel
- Pr. Emmanuel Fort
- Pr. Pierre Vanderhaeghen
- Adam Sobel
- Pr. Maxim Kontsevich
- Discover our Book of Knowledge on Life risks!
- 2014 Annual Celebration & Thematic Conference
- MasterScience