Financial & Social Inclusion
Modeling & Pricing
Post-Doctoral Fellowships
Encouraging financial inclusion in Nigeria
Predicting consumer’s choice behaviour
More specifically, his scientific objective is to develop models that can describe, and consistently examine and predict consumer’s choice behaviour when faced with different financial products or policies. To develop these models, a series of experiments will be conducted on a sample of farm households in all four agro-ecological zones of northern Nigeria (Sahel, Sudan, Northern and Southern guinea savanna regions). The data collected will help evaluate individual decision maker’s preference structures, as well as risk perceptions, risk aversions and subjective beliefs. It is also worth noting that the experiments will be designed to acknowledge gender-based differences: «studies have observed gender differences in a number of different domains, including investment. Thus, I intend to contribute to literature on gender differences in economic experiments by controlling for preference differences between men and women.»
By taking into account risk aversion and subjective beliefs and assessing their effects on insurance purchase decisions, the approach of Dr. Bello’s project is right on target to provide timely answers to one of today’s biggest issue in Nigeria: financial exclusion. Indeed, a customer-oriented approach to understanding financial inclusion in Nigeria is important not only in its own right, « but also in terms of response to the increasing significance of financial services in the agricultural sector and the anticipated growth in the future market for such services », as the researcher puts it himself.

International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
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