AXA Chairs
Duration : 5 years
Amount : 200.000€ per annum
Profile : PhD +10 minimum

About the program
AXA Chairs
The AXA Chair is a highly selective funding scheme for senior researchers intended to support significant advancements in the development of a research area within a host institution that is in line with its long-term strategy. It aims at creating a full-time academic position in the host institution and fostering a step change in the career of the appointed AXA Professor.
The AXA Research Fund is an exemplary model for research support. It gives researchers the freedom to fully unleash their potential to carry out the research. In my case, I have been able to conduct highly applicable research in biomedical imaging, which is now used worldwide. I have also conducted upstream research into wave behavior, all of which, I believe, will be the seeds of new future applications. This has been possible, of course, thanks to the financial support of the Fund, but also to the precious philosophy of the Fund, based on steady trust and support.
Prof. Emmanuel Fort AXA Chair in Biomedical Imaging, ESCPI, France
Who can apply
Host institutions must be registered in the AXA Research Fund’s database. Host Institutions can submit only one candidate for the whole institution (and not one per department, faculty or laboratory).
Prospective Chairholder
The prospective Chairholder is expected to be at least PhD +10 years minimum, to be of the highest caliber and should have demonstrated outstanding research achievements.
Research program
The research program must demonstrate its scientific originality and innovative character, as well as be part of the three main research fields we support: health, climate, and new technologies and socioeconomics.
When to apply
AXA Chairs Key Dates
The AXA chairs is awarded once per year.
You can find the key application dates for this year (click here to see the guidelines).
You can find the key application dates for this year (click here to see the guidelines).
How to apply
Application process
Submitting an application is a multi-step process: