AXA Research Fund’s Grants: Amplifying Your Scientific Impact

At AXA Research Fund, we are dedicated to advancing scientific research to tackle key societal issues and mitigate risks.

Our mission is to provide funding opportunities to researchers at all stages of their careers, enabling them to pursue innovative projects and make significant contributions to their fields. With a range of grant types available, we aim to support scientists from the earliest stages of their education through to established professionals, with a focus on fostering meaningful and impactful research.

Open Funding Opportunities

Explore our open grants to find funding opportunities for your scientific research.
Check out our dedicated pages for more information on eligibility criteria and how to apply.

AXA Chairs

The AXA Chair is a highly selective funding scheme for senior researchers intended to support significant advancements in the development of a research area within a host institution that is in line with its long-term strategy. It aims at creating a full-time academic position in the host institution and fostering a step change in the career of the appointed AXA Professor.

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Duration : 5 years
Amount : 200.000€ per annum
Profile : PhD +10 minimum

Post-Doctoral Fellowships

The AXA Fellowship is a funding scheme aimed at supporting promising early-career researchers on a priority topic aligned with AXA and the Society.

Learn more
Duration : 2 years
Amount : 140.000€ over 2 years
Profile : PHD +5 maximum

Targeted Funding

Joint Research Initiatives

AXA Joint Research Initiatives (JRIs) are developed jointly by senior researchers and AXA teams to study an issue that is both relevant to AXA’s activity and to the research field. The AXA Research Fund plays an important role in connecting endorsed researchers with AXA teams to better understand insurance-related issues that are also of academic interest. These projects allow for a two-way collaboration, benefiting both AXA and academic institutions.

AXA Awards

AXA Awards are a way to recognize a researcher for their transformative contribution to a research field and their potential to carry out groundbreaking science in a key risk area. Awards are on a nomination basis and dedicated to mid-career academics.


Find out more about Research Fund’s grant opportunities by exploring our Frequently Asked Questions section below.


Who is eligible to apply for an AXA grant?

AXA grants are only open to researchers and academic institutions worldwide. The following organizations are NOT eligible for AXA funding: associations, hospitals, foundations, NGOs, governmental bodies, independent research centers, cultural institutions, museums... 

The AXA Research Fund solely supports academic research projects lying within the scope of eligible areas (more details available for AXA Chairs and AXA Post-Doctoral Fellowships). The following types of projects are NOT eligible for AXA funding: research and development, company’s creation, educational programs… 

Academic institutions can apply for an AXA Chair each time a new campaign is launched. However, the institution cannot re-apply with the same candidate as their last application for a period of 3 years. 

What documents will applicants need to complete?

Step 1: Expression of Interest

The expression of interest provides initial information on the candidate and on the program submitted in the aim of accessing rights to the full application process. 

Academic institutions should appoint a single point of contact “Operational Contact” (holding an administrative position within the institution) who will register the AXA Research Fund’s online platform to submit the expression of interest. Candidates cannot submit their expression of interest independently of the host institution. 

Step 2: Full Application

Only candidates selected during the expression of interest phase can submit a full application which consists of a robust application providing in-depth information on the candidate’s research background and research proposal. 

How to write my application?

Before you start to write

  • Check you are eligible
  • Read the guidelines on the specific grant webpage. You’ll find information about eligibility, what we offer, how to apply and deadlines. 
  • Gather all the information you need, get as much advice as you can – ask other people if they are willing to share their successful and unsuccessful applications with you.  
  • Contact the research support office at your host institution early in the application process so they can give you advice.
  • Make sure your proposal is competitive: discuss your ideas with your sponsor, mentor, supervisor and/or senior colleagues. Get input from colleagues who are inside and outside your research field. 

Writing your application

  • Give yourself plenty of time: it’s important that you avoid rushing your application. Allow plenty of time ahead of the deadline.
  • Check the specific grant webpage for advice about your application, including deadlines and submissions. 
  • Allow enough time for your application to be approved and submitted by your host institution. Make sure you’re aware of any deadlines at your organisation that could delay this. 
  • Check that anyone involved in your application, such as your sponsor, supervisor or collaborator, can meet the scheme deadline.

Make your application easy to read and understand

  • Aim your proposal at people who have specific expertise in your field as well as those who have broader research experience. 
  • Provide a balanced overview of the background, rationale and supporting evidence. Refer to appropriate studies by others and use preliminary data, pilot studies and/or scoping research to support your research question(s).
  • Give enough detail that reviewers can understand what you’re proposing, how it will be carried out and whether it’s feasible. 
  •  Request research costs that are necessary for your project. Make sure you’re aware what you can and cannot ask for – this information is available on the application guidelines.
  • Use a title that is short, specific and reflects the importance of your proposal. Structure your writing with clear headings and subheadings.
  • Write in clear English and avoid technical jargon where possible. Keep abbreviations and acronyms to a minimum – define them when they’re first used.
  • List all references consistently.
  • Use diagrams and figures where appropriate.
  • Check your spelling and grammar.

How is my application assessed?

Expressions of interest are reviewed by the AXA Research Fund Team based on the relevance of the research topics and the candidates’ scientific CVs. 

Full applications are assessed by a panel of independent experts in a standard peer-review process according to our criteria and the expert’s knowledge. 

The final decision in granting funding is made by the AXA Research Fund’s Scientific Board composed of top-tier scientists from a variety of research fields and following a rigorous process of academic pre-screening and peer review. The selection of the research projects is an independent process in which neither the AXA Research Fund nor AXA, interfere. 

Will I receive feedback on my project if it is not selected?

Whether or not your project has been successful, you will be informed about this decision by email. However, we are not able to provide any feedback on our selection process or decisions. 

Grant agreement terms and conditions

How is the grant decision announced?

An official letter mentioning that you have been selected for an AXA grant will be sent by email to the dean of your institution. You will be on copy of this email. 

How much time do I have to accept the grant?

For AXA Fellowships: The grant offer is valid for a period of 2 weeks following the announcement of the results. 
For AXA Chairs: The grant offer is valid for a period of 2 weeks following the announcement of the results. 

When do I need to start the research project?

Projects are expected to start no later than 6 months after the announcement of the results. 

How is the agreement process initiated?

Once the Institution officially accepts the grant and the conditions, the AXA Research Fund and the Institution enter in the process of setting-up the agreement. The AXA grant is officially announced only when the agreement is signed. The agreement covers the entire duration of the research grant. 

What does the grant cover?

The AXA Research Fund does not cover expenses that are not directly connected to the Research Program. Therefore, the AXA Research grant cannot be used for administrative and infrastructural expenses. 

Eligible costs are: 
  • AXA Grantee expenses (incl. annual gross salary, travel & accommodation costs…) 
  •  Post-Doc/PhD expenses (incl. selection process costs, Junior Research Fellow Grants…) 
  •  Purchase of scientific equipment and resources (databases, survey costs, consumables…) 
  • Academic and public engagement activities organization costs (organization of conferences, seminars, dissemination activities towards expert and non-expert public…) 

How is the payment made?

 For AXA Chair:

The grant is paid in yearly installments, following the Institution’s submission of calls for funds. The funds are processed in accordance with a payment schedule stipulated in the agreement. 

The first transfer of funds is triggered by the signature of the agreement, the Chairholder’s official acceptance of the AXA Chair, and the receipt of an official project start letter (to be sent via email) confirming that the research program has begun. The Institution will need to send the first call for funds to to start the payment process. 

In case of early termination, on behalf of the researcher, the Institution shall provide AXA with a statement of expenses. The remaining funds will be retained by the AXA Research Fund. 

For AXA Fellowship: 

Payment of the grant is contingent on the launch of the research project. 

The grant is paid in 4 installments, on the Institution’s submission of the relevant call for funds. Calls for funds should be ideally sent 1 month before the schedule corresponding due date to to start the payment process: 

  1. On date T + 1 month, payment of 35 000€ 
  2.  On date T + 12 months, payment of 35 000€ 
  3. On date T + 18 months, payment of 35 000€ 
  4. At the end of the project, payment of 20 000€ subject to the receipt of the final report defined in the contract 

T corresponds to the date on which the project starts. 

How is the grant monitored?

Grantees and their host institutions are expected to update the AXA Research Fund on a regular basis and must submit their activity and financial reports yearly and in due course. 

 Activity Report:

This activity report will provide the highlights of the Research Program, progress, achievements, and outputs versus objectives, impacts of the AXA Grant, and research related activities. It is to be submitted on the AXA Research Fund’s grantee portal. The grantee will receive dedicated and secure access credentials upon signature of the agreement.

Financial Report:

This financial report must include the annual expenditure explaining how the grant has been allocated. This report is to be submitted on the AXA Research Fund’s institution portal by the operational contact. 

What is expected from grantees?

Grantees are expected to fully commit to their research program (at least 80% of working time spent on selected project) for its whole duration and to demonstrate high level of rigor, seriousness, and professionalism. Grantees are required to be proactive in engaging science with society when supported by the AXA Research Fund and use an open-data framework when applicable. AXA Research Fund grantees commit to sharing their project and communicating their research to a broad audience, supported by the AXA Research Fund.