Because science is at the heart of human progress

The AXA Research Fund is AXA Group’s global scientific philanthropy initiative, launched in 2008 to address the most important issues facing our planet. It supports human progress by funding research in key areas related to risk and helping inform public and private decision-making based on science.
Our strategy
A mandate-driven approach
The AXA Research Fund functions on a five-year mandate with a main mission at heart: supporting transformative and excellent science. The current mandate, launched in January 2023, is focused on further strengthening the transdisciplinary exploration of emerging risks, to consolidate links between academic experts, industry and the public sector around major societal issues for informed decision-making, and to implement innovative formats for the dissemination of scientific knowledge for the benefit of decision-makers and the public.

The AXA Research Fund is one of our most important philanthropic commitments. By funding research on the preservation of our planet, the improvement of health and the stability of our economies and societies, we are fully committed to act for human progress by protecting what matters.
Thomas Buberl CEO of AXA
Our purpose
Our work
The Fund’s work is directed towards major risks our society is facing in the areas of health, environment, and socio-economy & new tech. This scope is also aligned with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.
250 M€
committed to research
Research projects funded
women-led research projects
academic institutions supported
in 39
Committed to contribute to global societal challenges related to health, environment, and socio-economy & new tech.
Supported institutions
From Argentina to Vietnam, we work with the best. Discover the institutions we collaborate with.
The AXA Research Fund provides an amazing opportunity to enable scientific research that responds to urgent and critical risks of our time. By supporting change-makers in a diversity of fields, the Fund helps expedite action towards a more equitable, sustainable and safer society for all.
Prof. Debra Roberts President of the AXA Research Fund Scientific Board
Our governance
The AXA Research Fund Scientific Board
To ensure relevance, excellence, and the independence of its projects, the AXA Research Fund is advised by a team of experts including a scientific board responsible for ensuring the transparency and the integrity of the selection process for every research project that is awarded funding.

Debra Roberts
President of Scientific Board, Head of the Sustainable & Resilient City Initiatives Unit in eThekwini Municipality in Durban, South Africa

Carol Brayne
Professor of Public Health Medicine, University of Cambridge, UK

Isabel Díaz
Deputy Vice-President, International Cooperation of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)

Lawrence Lessig
Former Director of Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University; Roy L. Furman Professor of Law, Harvard Law School, USA

Marja Jylhä
Professor of Gerontology, Department of Health Sciences, Tampere University, Finland

Olivier Boucher
CNRS Research Director, Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, France

Raja Chatila
Professor Emeritus of AI, Robotics & IT Ethics, Sorbonne University, France

Sergei Guriev
Dean, London Business School; Former Professor of Economic at Sciences Po (Paris); Former Chief Economist at European Bank for Recontrustion and Development.
The AXA Research Fund Advisory Board
The Advisory Board, composed of C-suite AXA Group business leaders, provides inputs on broad strategic development and research fields to be developed.

Alexander Vollert
Chief Operating Officer, AXA Group

Ulrike Decoene
Chief Communication, Brand & Corporate Responsibility Officer, AXA Group

Julien Guénot
Regional Director for Southern Europe, AXA XL

Françoise Gilles
Group Chief Risk Officer, AXA Group

Claudio Gienal
Chief Transformation Officer AXA Europe & Health

Garance Wattez-Richard
Head of AXA EssentiALL

Gilles Moëc
Chief Economist, AXA Group