The Task Force has shed light on some major facets of the disease.
A very large majority of patients with a minor form of the disease develop sero-neutralizing antibodies
A study carried out by teams from the Pasteur Institute and Strasbourg University Hospital among members of the hospital staff with minor forms of Covid-19 showed that almost all developed antibodies within two weeks of being infected. In 98% of the patients, neutralizing antibodies were detected after 28 days.
Their results also showed that the neutralizing activity of the antibodies increases over time, suggesting that people with Covid-19 develop potentially protective immunity several weeks after infection. Read the Pasteur Institute press release (05.26.20).
Transmission among children is not significant
In April 2020, the Pasteur Institute, the Hauts-de-France Regional Health Agency and the Academy of Amiens, conducted an epidemiological survey among 1,340 people linked to primary schools in Crépy-en-Valois (Oise, France) where the virus circulated widely. The study revealed that the proportion of pupils in primary schools infected with Covid-19 was 8.8%. Based on cases of infection among children, no transmission of the virus seems to have occurred from students to other pupils, teachers and staff. Read the Pasteur Institute press release (06.23.20).
Development of MV-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate
One of Pasteur Institute's candidate vaccines based on the measles vector is under development following the announcement of a renewed partnership between the Pasteur Institute and the CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations), Thémis and MSD. Read the Pasteur Institute press release (05.26.20).
Find out more about the Pasteur Institute Task Force's work.
June 2020 | Photo : Institut Pasteur - François Gardy
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