
The AXA Research Fund Releases its 2023 Activity Report

    Climate & Environment
    Socio-economy & New Tech


1min | News

In 2023, the AXA Research Fund experienced a year of significant milestones and fresh beginnings. It marked the commencement of a new 5-year mandate, the appointment of a new president for our scientific board, and the welcoming of a new Head of the Fund.

Furthermore, it was a year dedicated to evaluating the Fund's impact over the previous mandate, and reinforcing our accomplishments in terms of promoting top-tier scientific research, tackling contemporary challenges through strategic partnerships, and disseminating scientific knowledge to facilitate informed decision-making in addressing current issues.

Our activity report delves into these accomplishments, introduces new partnerships and outreach initiatives, and provides an update on the Fund's future directions.

We invite you to delve into the report and discover more about our journey.

Enjoy the read!

2023 Activity Report

 The 2023 Activity report provides an update on the Fund’s mission, its latest achievements in terms of research funding, strategic partnerships, and research dissemination. 

Read the Report