Modeling & Pricing
Joint Research Initiative
Towards simpler numerical methods for the management of assets and liabilities
Reducing calculation time, without extrapolating
To do so, the project aims to develop new dedicated algorithms for the ALM, called Monte Carlo simulations. This type of numerical method is used to model the probability of different outcomes in a process that cannot easily be predicted due to the intervention of random variables. It is a technique used to understand the impact of risk and uncertainty in prediction and forecasting models. More specifically, the research objective is first to set up a relevant and tractable model for the main asset classes (equity, interest rates bonds, real estate... ) and for the main liabilities. «To achieve that, we’ve spent a lot of time trying to understanding in details how ALM works. We needed this to model the whole process correctly », prof. Alfonsi specifies. This preliminary approach is meant to open the way for the key step of the project: the development of the nested numerical methods for the calculation of the SCR. Once this is done, the AXA teams will consider the problem of optimizing the strategic asset allocation by using this new precise evaluation of the SCR. « AXA’s involvement in the project is paramount, the researcher insists. It would have been meaningless to tackle such a goal without the support and the feedback of practitioners. AXA will bring to the project its expertise in the field of the Asset Liability Management, from a technical and methodological point of view but also from the regulatory side. In particular, they will help us to assess the performance of the method with respect to the existing ones and to the standard formula given for the SCR by the European Commission ».
The rationale behind this Joint Initiative is simple: better numerical models for SCR will improve long-term ALM studies, and thus increase the profitability of the company’s strategies. The aim of the project is in alignment with the needs of insurance companies: obtain a “good” trade-off between realism, computation time and tractability. The output will not only benefit AXA France, but will also be presented in different international conferences.

École des Ponts ParisTech
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