First International Conference in Neuroergonomics

Conference presentation
Join hundreds of scientists, leading researchers, and interested industry colleagues for two full days of high-value and exciting presentations from the community’s world-leading scientists on the cutting edge of exciting new areas of Neuroergonomics research.
Discover full Academics talk
Prof. Raja Parasuraman
This conference is dedicated to Professor Raja Parasuraman who unexpectedly passed on March 22nd 2015. Raja Parasuraman’s pioneering work led the emergence of Neuroergonomics as a new scientific field. He made significant contributions to a number of disciplines from human factors to cognitive neuroscience. His early work included important contributions to topics such as vigilance and human interaction with automated systems. He later consolidated his interests in human factors and cognitive neuroscience to develop a new discipline called Neuroergonomics, which he defined as the study of brain and behavior at work.

Neuroergonomics Conference 2016 - Paris
Main topics
- Innovative methodologies and protocols using brain imaging techniques and psychophysiological measurements in realistic operational settings
- Formulate neurobiological models to better understand risky decision making
- Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) and human performance monitoring in ecological conditions
- Cognitive countermeasures, augmented cognition, and brain stimulations to enhance performance and mitigate human error
- Virtual Reality and Serious Gaming
- Cognitive Performance in Psychological and Neurological Disorders
- Affective processing and emotion recognition from neural and physiological measures
- Genetic, personality and neurobiological factors influencing cognitive performance
- Assessment of cognition in various neurological disorders and in real-time settings and home environments
- Memory, skill acquisition and training assessment
- Ergonomics and Motor Control
Discover research projects related to the topic
Financial & Social Inclusion
Culture & Society
Joint Research Initiative
Understanding the Financial Lives of Low Income Households in China
Leveraging financial diaries research methodology, this joint initiative aims to provide actionable insights about the financial lives of low-income households... Read more
