
Mitigating our Impact on the Environment

    Climate & Environment


1min | News

This film introduces 3 new research projects granted by the AXA Research Fund to help understand the impact of our actions on the planet.

Human activity can have devastating consequences on the environment; global warming & biodiversity loss being foremost among them. At AXA we believe understanding the extent of our impact on the planet is key. How can we learn from our mistakes to build a better & safer future?

To answer this question the AXA Research Fund has granted 3 new research projects in 2016, with a total commitment of €400K, specifically:

  • Dr Wang's objective is to ensure the productivity & sustainability of crop production in the future
  • Dr Tuccella's project aims at improving our knowledge of the impact of aerosol particles on climate change in order to improve mitigation policies
  • Dr Wearn will facilitate better biodiversity conservation in tropical forests to enable effective policy and decision-making in the region

Your well-being and future rely on the power of research. The AXA Research Fund is dedicated to promoting discoveries that help us understand and better prepare against environmental, life and socio-economic risks.