
Energy Transition: 5 new projects supported by the AXA Research Fund in 2018

    Climate & Environment


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In 2018, the AXA Research Fund selected 5 new post-doctoral research projects following a dedicated call for projects. A total of €750K has been committed to the total funding of these five projects over two years.

Toward a Fair, Efficient and Sustainable Energy Transition

At the global level, the energy supply sector is the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions generation, and therefore, the climate change. Energy demand is rising worldwide due to population growth, the boom in the middle classes, and the increasing use for air conditioners and other cooling services. It is expected that by 2040, energy demand will increase by more than 25% (source: IEA). Despite significant growth in renewable energy sources, it is not fast enough to meet higher electricity demand, leading to a higher use of coal, notably in developing Asia.

At the same time, the energy sector also represents the largest share of global emissions reduction potential, notably through efficiency in the power sector and a shift to a greater share of low carbon energy sources. Efforts towards decarbonizing energy has the potential to significantly mitigate climate change.

Five international researchers

For this call for projects, 37 applications were submitted from top tier universities in 17 countries.

Following peer review and a selection committee led by the Scientific Board, 5 innovative post-doc projects have been selected for a funding of €125 000 euros each over 2 years.

Dr Modeste Kameni Nematchoua

Towards zero-energy cities : a numerical tool to optimize retrofitting of existing urban blocks


Dr Jiska De Groot

Developing clean energy in Sub-Saharan Africa: the importance of remote communities buy-in


Dr Dunsin Arodudu

Waste-to-energy, a true assessment of the potential of bioenergy in Nigeria


Dr Marion Dumas

Making green products mainstream : how to trigger radical industrial innovation ?


Dr Greer Gosnell

Renewable energy: Investigating the role of social reward and contagion


Fellowship grants for young researchers

The AXA Research Fund’s mission is to fund top-tier scientific research and to share scientific knowledge to better respond to the major challenges and opportunities our societies face today. The Fund supports academic projects the world over, in the fields of Health, Climate and Environment, New Technology and Socio-Economy.

AXA Fellowships are one of the types of grants provided by the Fund. They aim at supporting promising researchers (max. PhD+5) whose project is aligned with AXA’s corporate responsibility and strategic priorities. The AXA Research Fund grants aim to be transformative for the researcher and the advancement of their career.

Source: IEA, World Energy Outlook 2018