
AXA Chair on Water Quality and Global Change Selected at Vrije Universiteit Brussel

    Climate & Environment


1min | News

Long-term climate change, extreme events, and seasonal variations in weather have profound impacts on water quality of rivers, lakes, and reservoir, which in turns threatens the environment, ecosystem services, economies (drinking water production, fisheries..) and global health.

An AXA Research Chair project  on “Water quality model for climate change adaptation” led by Prof. Ann Van Griensven has been selected by the AXA Research Fund last Scientific Board. The Chair is expected to start in November at the department of hydrology and hydraulic engineering of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

The project will deliver the first high-resolution global freshwater quality model that will provide high resolution datasets, maps of present and future hotspots of water quality problems at global scale.

Prof. Ann Van Griensven, a bio-engineer with 25 years of research experience in water quality and hydrological modelling, is currently professor and head of department of the hydrology and hydraulic engineering department of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Associate Professor of hydrology and water quality at the IHE-Delft Institute for Water Education.

More information about the project will follow in January 2024.

September 2023