
The Future of Medicine



1min | News

This film introduces 3 new research projects granted by the AXA Research Fund aimed at bringing cutting edge treatment to the people who need it most.

Some fields of research today sound and feel more like science-fiction than reality. The pace of progress is blurring the lines & opening new and tremendously promising grounds for medicine. At AXA we are convinced that fantastic therapeutic opportunities appear on the horizon line. How to bring them to the lives of people faster, with the help of science?

To answer this question the AXA Research Fund has granted 3 new research projects in 2016, with a total commitment of over €2M, specifically:

  • Prof Talianadis will pave the way for innovative new therapies for liver cancer, through a better understanding of epigenetic regulations
  • Dr Abhimanyu will aim at limiting the tuberculosis' spread for the most-at-risk population
  • Prof Prato's research program in nanobiotechnology will aim at re-establishing broken nerve communication to help paralyzed people walk again

Your well-being and future rely on the power of research. The AXA Research Fund is dedicated to promoting discoveries that help us understand and better prepare against environmental, life and socio-economic risks.