Women account for a bit more than 50% of the global population, but 70% of people living in poverty. On a global scale, they only own 1% of total private ownership. While they face inequalities in most developed countries, they are often even more impacted in developing areas. Getting access to education, work or medical care are just some of the many and often specific issues involved.
In this regard, contributions provided by scientific research play a crucial role in understanding, raising awareness and developing solutions to improve living conditions to as many people as possible. This is the reason why the AXA Research Fund supports researchers whose work is designed to alleviate precariousness and to fight against exclusion of women and young girls.
Find out more about some of the projects dedicated to the improvement of living conditions experienced by these vulnerable population: helping women living in Indian slums to get their voice heard so that they can have their interests defended, fostering financial inclusion for women farmers in Nigeria, or raising awareness on the harsh daily life of seropositive women in Tanzania.
Photo : @marcatalog
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