Photo: Institut Pasteur - François Gardy
A long-standing partnership
Infectious diseases are one of the priority areas of support for the AXA Research Fund. As such, since 2011, 9 projects have been funded at the Institute and were selected for their innovative scientific objectives as well as the excellence of the researchers and their working environment. These projects focus on dengue fever, food infections, resistance to insecticides, malaria vaccines and the spatial modeling of the spread of epidemics.
Focus on pandemic risk
At the head of one of these projects is Dr Cauchemez, who studies advanced mathematical models that aim to better understand and anticipate the spatial spread of infectious diseases by providing, for example, short term forecasts based on data from an ongoing epidemic.This type of innovative mathematical modeling represents a key tool for the study of epidemiological risks because it allowsfor both an in-depth understanding of the spatial determinants of epidemics that are invaluable for improving the quantification of their consequences, and the appropriate intervention strategies for the decision makers, such as public authorities, the pharmaceutical industry and insurers, involved in epidemic risk management.
A key role in the management of COVID-19
With its historical expertise, the strength of its scientific research units and its vast international network (33 institutes in 25 countries), the Institut Pasteur is at the forefront of the management of the COVID-19 epidemic.
Its teams not only confirmed the first cases diagnosed in France but also were able to fully sequence the genome of the novel coronavirus as early as January.
An interdisciplinary Task Force has been set up to advance research in order to:
• Understand the virus and its pathogenesis;
• Develop new diagnostic tools and search for antibodies that may have therapeutic applications;
• Develop vaccine candidates; and
• Model epidemiology and draft outbreak control strategies.
This project brings AXA’s support for the Institut Pasteur to over 2 million euros.
Support the call for donations
The Pasteur Institute has set up a dedicated COVID-19 Task Force to work on mitigating and fighting the current epidemic. As a long-standing partner of the Institute through the AXA Research Fund, we have committed to support this initiative. You can join us in our efforts to support research. You can join us in our efforts to support research.
Make a donationModelling the Spatial Spread of Infectious Diseases
Find out more on Dr Simon Cauchemez's research
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