
Challenges of Data

    Socio-economy & New Tech


1min | News

This film introduces 4 new research projects granted by the AXA Research Fund to help understand how to both safeguard and best use the increasing amounts of data now available to us.

The flow of information available nowadays is colossal and exponentially growing, offering tremendous opportunities for better insights on the world we live in but also numerous

new challenges. At AXA we believe that protecting data & the way they are used is essential. How to better protect, process & interpret the increasing volumes of information pouring in?

To answer this question the AXA Research Fund has granted 4 new research projects in 2016, with a total commitment of over €1.7M, specifically:

  • Prof Filippone's methodology will help accurately quantify levels of uncertainty for decision-making
  • Prof Deng investigates how a unified framework can better protect data in ""untrusted"" servers such as the cloud
  • Prof Marsala's research aims at gaining a better understanding of the different facets of data interpretability for better decision-making
  • Dr Buonaguidi is working on a model to improve fraud detection while avoiding false alarms

Your well-being and future rely on the power of research. The AXA Research Fund is dedicated to promoting discoveries that help us understand and better prepare against environmental, life and socio-economic risks.