Science speaks

    Climate & Environment
    Socio-economy & New Tech


1min | Publication

With the special edition “Science speaks”, The Conversation highlights its partnership with the AXA Research Fund, and their common desire to enlighten the public debate with science.

The information website The Conversation has already published 46 articles, written by 22 researchers granted by AXA. The 10th anniversary of the AXA Research Fund is an opportunity to present a selection of these articles, related to health, environment, new technologies and society.

This partnership was born from the shared belief that scientists have widely contributed to build our world as it is, through their work and their capacity to share it.

Because science plays a determining role to answer our century’s challenges and to build a better life for everyone, it is crucial to support scientific advances nurturing social progress, as well as it is deeply important to make it as accessible as possible. 

With this booklet, the AXA Research Fund and The Conversation renew their commitment to disseminating scientific projects with societal value, and continue to showcase the scientific work done by the best researchers in their fields. 

Science Speaks

Discover all the great articles written by the AXA Research Fund grantees in partnership with The Conversation in this special edition.