
Supporting science to help our wishes come true

Testimonials book

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    Climate & Environment
    Socio-economy & New Tech


1min | Publication

To celebrate its 10th anniversary, the AXA Research Fund renews its commitment to science by pledging a further €50millions to its philanthropic fund. For this occasion, a booklet called: “Supporting science to make our wishes come true ” has been released to remind and illustrate AXA’s commitment to supporting science, based on the profound belief that it plays a determining role to answer to the great issues of our century, and help everyone to build a better life.

Science has the power to change everything. It can help improve our health, protect the environment, and better understand our societies. Tomorrow cannot be written without it.

That is why, for the past 10 years, the AXA Research Fund has provided a € 180 million support to 563 researchers from 58 nationalities, in 35 countries. The funded research projects are in four different fields: health, environment, new technologies and socio-economic issues.

With this booklet, the AXA Research Fund renews it commitment to disseminating scientific projects with societal value, and continue to showcase the scientific work done by the best researchers in their fields.

10th anniversary book

Discover AXA's commitment to supporting science over the past 10 years through various testimonials from researchers and partners.